【互动课堂】2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四学案设计:Unit4《Body Language》复习巩固
【互动课堂】2018-2019学年人教版高中英语必修四学案设计:Unit4《Body Language》复习巩固第3页

truly happy,however.

6.____________________________(怎样表示)that I am bored?

7.________________ _____________________________ (根据每一种文化,对人们表示 尊重都带有主观性的),but in general it is probably not a good idea to give a hug to a boss or teacher.

8.___________________________________________________ (由于民族之间有那么大的文化差异),it is great to have some similarities in body language.

9.It is possible to "read" others around us,___________________


Testing: 短文改错:

If you have a chance to observe several foreign visitors from

different countries get together, you' ll sure experience some

misunderstanding that will happen among them in body language

due to the difference of their culture. For example, at the first

meeting, Columbians like to approach others, touch their

shoulders, when British keep a certain distance from others;

Canadians will shake hands with while Japanese will bow .

In short, as well as speaking language, our body language

can also express our feelings through physical distance ,actions or

postures. But remember that nothing of the actions or postures is

good or bad, and they are only the ways to communicating with

people. Different cultures result from different body languages.



Life is like a play it is not the length but the excellent of the acting that matters.

生活如同一个剧本,重要的不是长度 而是演出是否精彩