七上英语《Unit8 When is your birthday》教学设计教案14
七上英语《Unit8 When is your birthday》教学设计教案14第5页

            Unit8 When is your birthday?

授课班级 185、186 授课日期 2012年月日 授课类型 复习课 学 时 数   4th period (SectionB3a-4) 教学目标 1. Get the students to have a clear idea of the moths names.

2. Revise the English way of saying numbers. Have the students make a calender card by themselves. 教学内容 Revise the English way of saying numbers. Have the students make a calender card by themselves. 重点难点 Have the students make a calender card by themselves. 学情分析 教学方法 任务型教学、分级评价法、直观教学法、模仿示范法、情景教学和合作学习法 学习方法 课前预习、课堂内外练习、听说读写结合 教学过程设计 备 注 课题引入 I. Warming-up and revision

When is your birthday?

When is your father's birthday?

When is your best friend's birthday?


主要内容 II. Work on 3a

  Get the students to look at the pictures on P51 and translate the names and write them below.

Drill: ask students to work in pairs. Say, one person looks at the chart on page 51 and the other looks at the one on page 82. each of you has only half of the information. Your job is to get the best of the information from your partner.

课堂练习 III.Work on 3b

T: ask students to complete the chart imaging they are headmasters at school.

VI.Work on 4

Ask students to take turns reading the five sentences to the class.

小结与作业 课堂小结