教研课《Module4 Unit1 The balloons are flying away》教案
教研课《Module4 Unit1 The balloons are flying away》教案第3页

  1) What's Simon's mum trouble(困难) ?

  2) Who can help Mum?

  3) What is Simon doing?


  T:Daming can help Mum, But what's happening? Let's listen and underline the answers. 并且利用课件,感知falling和flying away.并利用书掉了、气球飞走了等,为学生创设真实情境,帮助学生感知理解。


  Step 3. Practice

1. Act the text.

  Practice in groups, then show.


  2. talking about the pictures

T: Wow, let's look at these pictures. Let's talk about What's happening?

【设计意图】通过看图写句子这个机械性的操练活动,学生对句型的掌握从课文过渡到通过生活中的场景,并通过问答活动巩固操练了句型"Who can help me? I can help you. Sorry, I can't. I am on the phone."体现了活动的层次性,也关注到不同层次的学生。

Step 4. Production

  Make a short play.

  T: This time let's make a short play. The topic is ask for help. Look at the madel.

   A: I'm cleaning the blackboard. But I'm short. Who can help me?

   B: Sorry, I can't. I'm doing my homework.

   C: I can help you.

   D: I can help you, too.

A: Thank you.