《Module1 Unit1 Did you come back yesterday》教学设计
《Module1 Unit1 Did you come back yesterday》教学设计第3页

T: What happened after that?

S3: Lingling dropped her ice cream.

讲解drop (教师拿一本书装做不小心掉在地下) T:Oh. I dropped my book. (告诉学生drop的过去式是dropped)

 Teacher writes the words on the blackboard. Then read after teacher.

(教师通过肢体语言与动作让学生理解了come back、 drop ice cream等单词的含义,并通过教师领读,学生自读加深了印象)

 Follow the tape recorder read the dialogue. (学生跟读课文然后以四人为单位分角色朗读,教师评出最佳朗读组)


(出示图片) T: Look at the picture. This is Sam's family. Yesterday evening, they were very busy. Let's say: What did they do yesterday evening? (给学生两分钟准备)

T: What did Sam do yesterday evening?

S1: Sam watched TV.

S2: He helped his dad.

T: Can you ask questions like me?

Ss: Yes.

S3: What did Amy do yesterday evening?

S4: She painted a picture.
