2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Three Under The Sea Period5 Using language Reading, and Writing教案(3页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit Three Under The Sea Period5 Using language Reading,  and Writing教案(3页word版)第2页

 B. compared with the whole world, the ocean is tiny

C. there were more delights than dangers when snorkeling

D. there were more dangers than delights when snorkeling

Task 2: Do exercise 3 on Page 25.

(Suggested answers: warm night / the waving long thin / hard bird-like / a yellow-spotted red / a large wise-looking / strong sharp / thick green / two grey)

Task 3: Practice

1) Several _____________________ sharks.

(a. large grey b. grey large)

2) Some _______________________ whales.

(a. giant blue b. blue giant)

3) Scores of ____________________ turtles.

(a. white-striped and grey b. grey and white-striped)

4) Many a _________________ seal.

(a. black-spotted and light grey b. light grey and black-spotted)

5) Many ______________ anemone fish.

(a. little orange and white b. orange and white little)

6) Plenty of ____________ angelfish.

(a. orange and blue-striped b. blue-striped and orange)

7) A number of ________ corals.

(a. huge colorful b. colorful huge)

(Suggested answers: aabbaaa)

Step 4 Discussing and speaking

Suppose an aquarium [ə'kweəri:əm] (水族馆)is being designed in our city. As the two main directors of the aquarium, you and your partner are talking about what sea creatures should be brought in.

Expressing ideas Responses I suggest bringing in..... as .....

I advise putting in.....

I'm considering buying.....

What / how about .....?

I'm imagining.....

I enjoy / feel like / dislike......

Do you mind.....?

.......... That's a good idea / great idea.

Sounds good!

Can't agree more!

It's good.....

It depends.

It's no good.....

I'm afraid not.


Step 5 Learning phrases and sentences

reflect on the day回忆当天的事; a day of pure magic神奇的一天; go snorkeling潜泳; extraordinary beauty奇妙的美景; all kinds of small, neat and elegant fish种类繁多, 小巧整齐, 姿态优雅的鱼儿; explore small caves探索小洞穴; narrow passages狭窄的通道; hang upside down倒挂着; a yellow-spotted re sea-slug带着黄斑点的红色的蛞蝓(kuoyu); a large wise-looking turtle一只长相聪慧的大乌龟; look straight at me直直地看着我; sharp teeth利齿; a tasty fish一条美味的鱼; the giant clam half buried in some coral一只巨大的蛤玤半掩在珊瑚礁中; thick green lips宽厚的绿嘴唇; two grey reef sharks两条灰色的珊瑚鲨; appear from behind some coral从珊瑚后面出来; feel scared to death吓得要命; swim over the edge of the reef游过珊瑚礁的边沿; look down into the depths of the ocean往下看海底;

Beautiful sentences: