免费下载教研课《Module4 Unit2》教学设计教案(三下外研版英语)
免费下载教研课《Module4 Unit2》教学设计教案(三下外研版英语)第3页

Does the panda like meat/milk/rice...?

引导学生回答出:Yes,he does.



4. Practice:看图回答问题。


Step3 Learn the text

1. listen to the tape and answer the questions.

 Q 1. Does Sam like bananas?

 Q 2. Does he like pears?

 Q 3. Does Lingling like oranges?

 Q 4. Does she like apples?

2. listen to the tape again, the students read after it.

3.Group work:分角色朗读课文


Step4 Consolidation

Group work: drive a train

Ask and answer the questions.

Does Daming/Amy/Lingling/Panpan/Sam like________?

Yes, he/she does./No, he/she doesn't.


Step5 Summary

1.学生总结所学单词:apple pear banana orange

句型:Does she/he like oranges?

Yes, she/he does./No, she/he dosen't.

