免费下载《Module8 Unit1 Will you help me》教学设计教案
免费下载《Module8 Unit1 Will you help me》教学设计教案第2页

Step1 Warming-up(启)

  1. Greetings. Hello. How are you? In this class I will part you into two teams ---boys team and girls team. If you can do a very good job, you can get marks. At last let's see who can be the winner, and who will make progress.They can get presents.

  2. Sing a song <>T: Let's enjoy a very nice Engish song. <> When you listen, please think about a question: Will Mary get up today?


  3.Then ask the question: Will Mary get up today?

  Elicit the children to answer: Yes, she will / No, she won't.(语言评价excellent).


Step2.Leading-in and Presentation(启,学)

  1,Show a present.

 T: You are so clever. You can get 10marks. I will give you a present. Do you want to know what's the present? Can you guess?Let`s open it and look , but I can't open it. Will you help me? S: yes. T: You can also say "of course, I will."

(T sticks the sentence on the blackboard.Read it together.)

T:Will you help me?(Who will come to the front?)(学生边拆包装,教师边板书。领读)T:Look.What are they?Chopsticks. T: You are helpful. Thank you for your help. The chopsticks for you. (奖励筷子)


   T:We Chinese use chopsticks.Do Americans use chopsticks,too?S:No,they won't.T:What will they use?S:They use knife and fork.

2.Listen and find. Will Daming take chopsticks? T:Our good friend Daming is going to visit his cousin,simon in America . Will Daming take chopsticks to Simon ?Let's listen to the tape and answer: Will Daming take chopsticks to Simon ?


2, Show the form.