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免费下载《Module7 Unit1 What's this》教案教学设计第2页


程 Step2. Presentation

   教师指着教室内的某个物品全班同学:What's this? It's a ...教师示意让举手的同学:What's this?(板书课题)

该生回答完毕,教师给予鼓励。What's your name? How old are you?

A good name! You are very clever! Do you remember Ms Smart? She is a good teacher. Her students like her very much! Do you like her? Panda and monkey have their teachers. Let's look and listen. What are the names of Panda and Monkey's teacher?

   1)完成活动1. Listen, point and say. 学习如何初步介绍别人


    This is my teacher, (板书), Ms.../Mr... 小组内练习。


Step3. Learning the text


   向学生介绍:This is my English teacher, Ms Zhang

   Now, Lingling is drawing .

   Let's look and listen what is she drawing?


    She is drawing her school, classroom and English teacher.

    课件:This is my school.

       This is my classroom.


    引导学生说出This is my_______.

    And Ms Smart is talking to her students.

    Let's look. What are they talking about?


   3)跟读一遍,寻找课文中一共有多少个What's this?出现

   4) T: What's this?
