


  ( My address is " 52 Yingzi Lane, Xidan, Beijing".

  ( He lives in the village of Lingnao, in Ningdu County, Jiangxi Province.

  (At 122 Binhe Road, in the city of Lanzhou, Gansu Province.


  ( Japan lies/is to the east of China.

  ( Gansu lies/is in the northwest of China.

  ( Wuhan is on the Changjiang River.

  ( Their factory is located/situated at the foot of the hill.


  (Your house looks very nice, but it's a pity it faces (to the) north.

  ( A high mountain stands in the east and a large river flows in the west.


  Possible version:

  Guangming High School is in the west of the city, with the Chengxi River running nearby. It covers an area of 130 mu. When you enter the school, you can see a big flower bed in front of you, and two large buildings on both sides- the library on your right and the teaching building on your left. Walking on further, you will find the gymnasium, which is the most beautiful building on the campus, with another round flower bed in front. Behind it, there lie four basketball courts. Next to the courts is the sports ground. Along its east side stand three buildings-the dining hall, and two dormitories for the students and teachers. All the buildings are surrounded by bushes and flowers.


  April 9th, 2003

  Dear Jim,

Our friend Li Ming will leave for Shanghai to study. So we are going to have a get-together at 3:30 this Friday afternoon. He lives at No.225 Dongfeng Street. It is not very difficult to find your way to his home. Take a No.2 bus, the stop of which is on the left of your university, and get off at