
  A.length B.distance

  C.way D.space

  14.With the cost of living________,they find it terribly hard to make ends meet.

  A.to go up B.to go down

  C.going up D.going down

  15.The film is really wonderful.It's such a long time ________ I enjoyed myself so much.

  A.when B.before C.as D.since



  I once had a teacher whose husband died suddenly of heart attack.About a week after his death,she__1__some of her thoughts with a classroom of students.As the late afternoon sunlight shone__2__the classroom windows,and when the class was nearly over,she__3__a few things aside on the edge of her desk and sat down.

 With a__4__look on her face,she paused and said,"__5__class is over,I'd like to share with all of you a deep__6__which I feel is very important.Each of us is put here on__7__to learn,share,love,appreciate and give of ourselves.__8__of us knows when this fantastic experience will__9__.It can be taken away at any moment.Perhaps this is the God's__10__of telling us that we must make the__11__of every single day."

 Her eyes were beginning to__12__,but she went on,"So I would like you all to make me a__13__:From now on,on your way to school,or on your way home,find something beautiful to__14__.It doesn't have to be something you see.It could be a__15__of freshly baked bread floating out of someone's house,or it could be the sound of the soft__16__rustling ( 使发出沙沙声) the leaves in the trees...Please look for these things,and__17__them,for at anytime they can all be taken away..."

 The class was completely__18__.We all picked up our books and went out of the room silently.That__19__,I observed many more beautiful things on my way home from school than usual.

  Remember:Life is not__20__by the number of breaths we take,but by the moments that take our breath away. 1.A.learned  B.shared

C.argued D.discussed

2.A.onto B.into

C.across D.through

3.A.moved B.brushed

C.swept D.pulled

4.A.surprised B.worried

C.gentle D.strange

5.A.After B.Unless

C.Before D.If

6.A.feeling B.understanding

C.love D.memory

7.A. business B.time

C.duty D.earth

8.A.None B.All

C.Each D.Neither

9.A.happen B.begin

C.end D.gain

10.A.way B.signal

C.plan D.arrangement

11.A.least B.worst

C.lowest D.most

12.A.ache   B.water

C.shine D.dry

13.A.promise B.choice

C.wish D.rule

14.A.buy B.enjoy

C.take D.learn

15.A.smell B.gift

C.taste D.sight

16.A.wind B.hand

C.light D.color

17.A.get B.appreciate

C.hide D.follow

18.A.puzzled B.excited

C.quiet D.anxious

19.A.morning B.night

C.noon D.afternoon

20.A.wasted B.measured

C.saved D.lost   Ⅲ.阅读理解
