原创《Module1 Unit2 She didn't have a television》教案
原创《Module1 Unit2 She didn't have a television》教案第2页

Step 5 音标教学:学生看书,仔细听录音,思考字母组合发了什么音。老师把音标板书出来,并且教读,如果时间充足,可以拓展一些单词练习,如果时间不足,练习就放在下节课的复习课上进行。

Step 6 :课后小结。

Step 7:Homework : (1) Listen and read the text . (2) Copy and recite the new words . Step 8 :板书设计:

Module 1 Changing

Unit 2 She didn't have a television.

New words: New sentences:

She didn't have a television.

She worked in the fields.
