2018-2019学年北师大版高一必修三学案:Unit7Lesson 2词语点击
2018-2019学年北师大版高一必修三学案:Unit7Lesson 2词语点击第2页

1. 禁止吸毒 2. 禁止停车 3. 核武器的全面禁止




They presented 15 lively songs and dances.

The experts will present their findings at the yearly meeting of the Radiological Society.

May I present a suggestion?

Allow me to present Mr. Brown to you.

Every member of the club was present.

I'm going to buy Mother a present for her birthday.

He is at present away on his holidays.


present vt. 上演,演出;讲演,演示;提出; 正式介绍

adj. 在场的;出席的

n. 礼物,赠品; 现在,目前

[拓展] at present 目前;for the present暂时



Those present were all Chinese.

[即学即练] 将下列句子翻译成英语。

1. 最后,她的思路转到了现在。

2. 全家人都已经到场了。

3. 我们向委员会提交了三个方案供讨论。


1. Finally, her thoughts switched to the present.

2. The whole family has been present.

3. We presented three plans to the committee for discussion.