2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教学设计:Module 1 Europe
2018-2019学年外研版高中英语必修三教学设计:Module 1 Europe第2页

  I had a great conversation with my host mother yesterday.We talked about politics, and it was so interesting to hear about her views. That's what I love about language:it allows people from completely different backgrounds to communicate with one another and to begin to understand each other.

  I love the culture here.The best part is the "siesta(午睡)".Every afternoon,the shops close and everyone goes home to eat lunch and take a nap(小睡).Then,they go back to work feeling completely refreshed! It's wonderful.I also love the fact that you can walk everywhere.

  Lauren,Caitlin,and I are planning on going to the beach this weekend.It's supposed to rain,but I hope it doesn't!We also want to go horse riding in the mountains.I can't wait.

  I'll be sure to write again soon! I miss you.

  Much love,



  1.Do you want to go to Spain after reading the letter? List the reasons (at least two).


  【答案】  Yes.Visiting the amazing thing the Alhambra; enjoying the wonderful food and flamenco dancing; practicing Spanish, etc.

  2.Do you have a nap after lunch? What do you think of the siesta?


  【答案】 Yes. After a nap(siesta), I can get down to my work feeling completely refreshed.