三年级下册精品《Module3 Unit1 I like football》教案教学设计
三年级下册精品《Module3 Unit1 I like football》教案教学设计第2页

T:Yes,I look like a sports woman. I like sports very much. Do you like sports?


T:Great! Sports make our life healthy. Today,let's talk something about the sports.

T:Look,here is a picture,(guese) what's the meaning of it?


T:Yes,这是北京申奥会徽。China hosted the 29th Olympic games,中国已经成功承办了第二十九届奥运会,你们长大想参加奥运会为国争光吗?





I like...

I like football.

T:Now who will come here to show:what sport do you like?请一生上台他所喜欢的运动项目,那其他学生猜。(假设那个学生表演的是football)

T:Yes,football.(拿出带来的足球)Look,I have a football here,read after


T:Who likes football? Raise your hands. Oh,so many football fans,I like

football too.我也喜欢football.

带读"I like football"让学生微笑着读,告诉他们喜欢做一件事情的时候,心情一定是很愉快的。贴笑脸图j和板书卡"I like..."带读like /I like,学生个人,男生,女生,全班读I like

T :Good! We can say: I like football.贴足球图,拿出足球让喜欢足球的学生踢一下说"I like football."(滚雪球读)

2. I like basketball.