2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4优化教案:Unit 11 Section Ⅳ Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 — Language Points
2019-2020学年北师大版高中英语必修4优化教案:Unit 11  Section Ⅳ Lesson 2 & Lesson 3 — Language Points第3页

1.protect ... from      保护......免遭

2.agree with 赞成;跟......一致

3.in favour of 支持;赞同

4.concentrate on 集中注意力于

5.in competition with 跟......竞争

6.consist of 由......组成

7.stand out 突出,显眼

9.be linked to/with 与......有关联

10.aim to do sth. 旨在/目的在于做某事

11.make contributions to 对......做出贡献

12.participate in 参加,参与

13.over the last decade 在过去的十年中

14.apologise to sb. for sth. 因......而向某人道歉 1.take photographs/pictures/photos  拍照

2.a series of events 一系列事件

3.be responsible for 对......负责

4.do business 经商

5.in public 公开地,当众

6.respect famous people's privacy 尊重名人的隐私

7.classic/modern advertisement 传统/现代广告

8.give information 提供信息

9.hold the attention of the public 保持公众的注意力

10.increase public knowledge 增加公众知识

11.the concept of freedom 自由的理念

12.give up smoking 戒烟   三、这样记句式

先背熟 再悟通 后仿用 1.Newspapers and magazines are willing to pay high prices for photographs of famous people taken by these self­employed photographers.

报刊和杂志愿意为这些自由职业摄影师所拍摄的名人照片出高价。 句中taken by these self­employed photographers为过去分词短语作定语。 The people invited_to_his_party were all his good friends.

被邀请参加他的晚会的人都是他的好朋友。 2.It is likely to be just the name of a company, part of which may be a general location.

它很可能仅是一个公司的名称,其中可能含有公司的大概位置。 be likely to do sth.意为"可能做某事"。 He is_likely_to_be one of my old friends;I can't remember clearly.

他很可能是我的一位老朋友,我记不清了。 3.The top advertisers of today believe that using humour as well as new and unusual ideas to surprise people is important in modern advertisements.

当今的顶级广告商认为,在现代广告中运用既出其不意、新颖独特又幽默的创意很重要。 as well as用作介词,意思是"除......之外还有......",后面通常接名词或动名词。 He as_well_as his classmates is fond of pop music.
