



过去时常 一次又一次 对......有兴趣

取得好成绩 害怕...... describe people

blonde hair look like in four years

brave enough wear glasses ask questions a couple of days be afraid of(doing) sth.

used to do sth. be used to doing sth.

2. 归纳已学过的谈论人的外貌和性格的词句。


I. la.用描述人的词语填表。(课本P25)

例:Appearance(外貌):short, long hair,too fat,not thin, short hair....

  Personality(性格):serious, outgoing, friend1y, active, humorous, quiet , shy...

II. 1b. 听材料,填人描述外貌和性格的词。

III. lc. 谈论班上同学,组建对话。

例:A: Did Mike used to have curly hair?

  B: Yes, he did. He used to be heavy.

  A: What's he like now?

  B: He has straight hair and he is thin now.

IV. 完成教材上2a-2b的任务

1.2a. 先大声朗读2a中的9个选项单词,再听录音,勾选出所听到的单词。.

2. 2b. 先浏览2b中的句子,扫清词汇障碍,作好听前的预习。然后再听录音,补全句子。

V. 2c. 利用2b中有关Paula 的信息,谈论Paula. 也可以谈论自己,或身边的人的变化。例:Paula used to be really quiet. But now she is outgoing.

I used to be really short. But now I am tall.



1. He doesn't work hard and is late for school f time to time.

2. It is h for me to make some friends at the new school.

3. Don't be s in class. You must be active.

4. Mark Twain was a h American writer.

5. He studied hard and got good g on his exams.


1 .I used to (get) up late. But now. I'm used to (get)up early.

2. We (know) each other since two years ago.

3. Mike is (outgoing) than Jim.

4. He's (interest) in_________ (play) computer games.

5. Are you afraid of (speak) in public?


( )1. Her son coke,but now he milk.

A: used to drink;is used to drinking B. used to drinking;drinks

C. is used to drinking;used to drink D. is used to drink;is drinking

( )2 .Sally used to be_______,but now she enjoys meeting and talking to new friends.

A. active B. silent C. honest D. outgoing

( )3. 一Not only the young but also the old are getting interested WeiChat (微信).

   一They can communicate more freely.

A. by B. in C. about D. for

( )4. He_________ to play soccer_________ the school team when he was three.

A. uses;in B. used;in C. uses;on D. used;on

( )5. 一 _________Mary use to play the piano? 一No,_________.

A. Did;she didn't B. Was;she wasn't

C. Did;she wasn't D. Was;she didn't



I _________ _________ _________ basketball.


I used to _________ _________ the swimming team.

板书设计 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 1

be afraid of, used to, get good grades, be interested in, from time to time

Did Mario use to be short? Yes, he did. He used to be really short.

What's he like now? He's tall now. 课后反思