
九年级英语导学案 主备人 邱婷 审核人 学习时间 课时 2 课  题 Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Period 2 Section A(2d-3c) 学习目标 1. 能认读重要词汇。

2. 能用英语谈论自己的过去与现在的情况。

3. 学会用发展的眼光看问题,良好的心态看待变化了的事物。 学习重点 1.单词:score, background, interview, Asian, dare, ton, private, guard, require; deal, shyness, crowd,

2.短语:look at, deal with, in public, turn red, take up, dare to do sth., not ...anymore, hang out, all the time, give up, a number of, get tons of attention

3.句子:He used to be shy and quiet.

I used to see him reading in the library every day.

I didn't use to be popular in school, but now I get tons of attention everywhere I go. 教学准备 学 习 过 程 学习笔记 一、自主预习



亲自,亲身 为......感到骄傲 缺席

做决定 寄宿学校 即使

照顾 a normal boy from the countryside

work very hard do well in (school)

cause any problems a few years ago

spend a lot of time together move to the city

look for miss you so much feel lonely

influence his schoolwork become/ be (less) interested in

fail his examinations make friends send ....to...

find life difficult leave the school talk with

advise sb. to do sth. take a 24-hour train

take a 5-hour bus ride have communication with

have a long talk be worried about


I. 2d. 分角色表演:一个学生扮演Alfred,一个学生扮演Gina. 多分成几个小组,在小组之间进行评比,选出最佳表演小组。

II. 完成教材上3a-3b的任务

1 .3a.读文章并确认如下信息在哪段出现,给信息标上1、2或3.

2. 3b.快速阅读3a,并完成有关Candy的句子。

3. 学生跟读课文,加深对文章的印象。

III. 3c. 对话训练。一人扮演记者,一人扮演Candy,编写采访活动的对话。例:

A:Candy, did you use to be shy?

B:Yes. I used to be really shy.

A:Then, how did you deal with this problem?

B:Well, I used to take up singing to deal with my shyness.



1. He studied hard and got good s_________ on his exams.

2. If you want to visit a foreign country, you need to know the b of its culture.

3. China is an A country.

4. There are many g standing at the Tian'anmen Squre.

5. It's a p question. Sorry,I can't answer you.


1. You must be (prepare) to get good scores.

2. He will (require) a lot of money to run his business.

3. Don't be so (shy). You must find a good way to deal with your (shy).


( )1 .You can never imagine_________ difficult the road to success is.

A. how B. what C. when D. why

( )2. Don't always worry_________ your problems.

A. with B. about C. to D. at

( )3. Candy used to be _________, but now she dares to sing in front of her class.

A. active B. shy C. honest D. outgoing

( )4. He used to_________ short and _________short hair when he was young.

A. have;be B. be;be C. be;have D. have;have

( )5. If you try,I'm sure you will_________.

A. made it B. making it C. to make it D. make it



I _________ _________ _________ basketball.


I used to _________ _________the swimming team.


It _________ _________ eighteen years _________ I left college.


_________his face _________ to _________ red when he _________ to girls?


_________ _________ good scores,he is always _________.


I don't _________much _________ time _________ after _________ popular.


Now I get _________ _________ _________ everywhere I go.


I _________to _________careful about _________I say or _________.


He _________ _________ _________ in public.


I have to _________ _________ to give _________ my _________ life.