原创《Unit2 Sam had lots of chocolate》教案教学设计
原创《Unit2 Sam had lots of chocolate》教案教学设计第4页


( T uses word card to teach "fever")

2)Ss read the picture4 together

Ss read the whole text together.

7. T: Great! You have learn: "stomach ache、cold、headache、fever". Now let's play a game.


A game: S1 say sentence and S2 do the action. For example: S1 say ' you've got a stomach ache'. S2 should put his hand on the stomach. The class can do the action follow S2.( 4 groups)

活动三,listen, match, and say.



        Unit2 Sam had lots of chocolate.

      Sam had lots of chocolate yesterday,

      So today he's got a stomach ache.

      Amy had a cold yesterday,

      And today she's got a headache.