教研课《Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat》教学设计
教研课《Module8 Unit2 Why are you wearing a hat》教学设计第4页

  2、listen and do .T: Hold up your book. Now I say and you put.

  The book is in your desk. The book is on your desk. The book is under your desk.多做几次练习。每做完一个指令问:Where's your book?学生回答。

  3、Practice in Pairs。之后请学生到前面发指令。

  4、Look and say:看课件,说一句话。


  The pen is in your bag./The book is under your desk./The pen is on your desk ./The pencil is on your book./The pen is under your chair.

  6、Guessing game。请一名学生到前面来,面对大家,教师把东西藏好,这名学生猜。

  7、Find the present.

  look, what's this? It's a present. I have some presents for you, but you should find the presents by yourselves. I'll give you some cards with sentences. You must read it and find .

  (1)It's in the box.

  (2)It's on the desk.

  (3)It's under the chair.

  (4)It's in the bag.

(5)It's under the book.