优质课《Module1 Unit1 She's a nice teacher》教学设计教案
优质课《Module1 Unit1 She's a nice teacher》教学设计教案第2页

Panpan also has made many friends in holiday. Let's see who they are.

(1) Read the dialogue and find new words: nice,shy,clever,naughty, a bit

向学生展示图片,以chant 来巩固新单词

Nice, nice, nice,

She's nice.

Shy, shy, shy,

She's a bit shy.

Clever, clever, clever,

She's very clever.

Naughty, naughty, naughty,

She's a bit naughty.

(2) listen and answer


(3) Listen and follow




(3)朗读课文 (1)看图,学习新单词,并用chant 来巩固,激发学生的兴趣

(2)分角色读可以激发学生的兴趣,使学生在快乐的气氛中轻松学习 IV. Practice

呈现几张图片,刘星-naughty; 小雪---clever; 小雨---cute; 让学生用本课的句型介绍他们。

Work in pairs 小组之间练习对话,谈论自己的朋友,使用"This is..." "He/She is very nice/naughty..."句型来操练

学生四人一组合作练习对话 学生对这些人物很熟悉,因此每个人都有话说,都能说出一两句来描述他们的特征 V. Summary 总结本课讲的句型和单词

学生在小组内总结,在进行展示 通过总结本课的重点单词和句型,使学生做到心中有数,同时也能检测一下他们的掌握程度