2018学年度人教版选修7Unit1Living wellPeriod1-2Waming up and reading1教案(7页word版)
2018学年度人教版选修7Unit1Living wellPeriod1-2Waming up and reading1教案(7页word版)第2页

残疾指挥家--舟舟 浙江残疾无臂青年书法家孔黎翔

(1) Do you know them ?

(2) What are their disabilities ?

(3) What kind of life do they live?

(4) Do they have any achievement in their life?

2. Ss will give different answers and agree with them .Then mention some other famous disabled people to Ss, such as Helen Keller, Braille, Steven Hawking and so on. Give a brief introduction of Helen Keller.


                Helen Keller

Helen Keller at the age of 19 months, (not quite 2 years old) was a happy, healthy child. She was already saying a few words.

Then she had a high fever that caused her to become deaf and blind. No longer could she see nor hear. She felt lost. She would hang on to her mother's skirt to get around. She would feel of people's hands to try to find out what they were doing. She learned to do many things this way. She could recognize people by feeling of their faces or their clothes. She made up signs with her hands so that she could "talk" to her family. She had 60 different signs. If she wanted bread, she pretended to be cutting a loaf. If she wanted ice cream, she would hug her shoulders and shiver.

Helen was a very bright child. She became very frustrated because she couldn't talk. She became very angry and began to throw temper tantrums. The family knew they had to do something to help her.

They found a teacher named Anne Sullivan. Miss Sullivan herself had been blind, but had an operation that gave her back her sight. She understood what Helen was feeling.