冀教版六年级英语上Lesson23 It’s Christmas morning
冀教版六年级英语上Lesson23 It’s Christmas morning第3页


⑤ Listen to the tape as they follow their books . Play the audiotape

The teacher tells the students today ,Santa bring gifts for Jenny Li Ming Danny and so on .Let's listen .What are the gifts ?What's the gift from Li Ming to Smith family?

⑥ Divide the class into the small groups as last class . Give your friend your Christmas present .

Step 3 Consolidation

1、Listen to the tape .

2、Role - play the dialogue

Step 4 Homework

Prepare some Christmas gifts to your family members

七、Blackboard design

Lesson 23 It's Christmas Morning

I bring a gift for you.

I give you the gift.

Please open it .

It's a toy.