2019-2020学年译林版高中英语选修8优化教案:Unit 2 Section Ⅴ Project
2019-2020学年译林版高中英语选修8优化教案:Unit  2  Section Ⅴ  Project第3页

  Rattle\s\up1(22(22) and Roll'.,

  ⑰rock and roll n.摇滚乐


  ⑲decline/dI'klaIn/n.衰落,衰败;减少;下降;vi.& vt.衰落;下降;婉言谢绝

  go to a decline 走向衰落



  rhythm and blues n.(abbr.R& B)节奏布鲁斯;节奏蓝调

  \s\up1(22(22)rattle/'rætl/vi. & vt.(使)发出咔嗒咔嗒的声音;使紧张或恐惧

  从节奏蓝调到摇滚乐,从20世纪30年代初期到20世纪50年代初期,传统的爵士乐渐渐走向没落,被一种叫作节奏蓝调节奏布鲁斯摇摆乐或R & B的新音乐趋势所取代。R & B在当时--以及现在--常常被认为是一种美国黑人音乐的形式。它把多种爵士乐的明快节奏与传统的蓝调音乐融合起来。在20世纪50年代早期,一种特定风格的R & B开始流行--摇滚乐。第一代摇滚乐乐手之一就是胖子乔·特纳。他是一名美国黑人歌手,20世纪20年代开始演奏爵士乐,到20世纪40年代转向表演R & B。1954年,他录制了最原始的摇滚乐曲之一《晃动、吵闹和摇滚》。

    This became a hit\s\up1(23(23) on the R & B charts, and then was recorded by Bill Haley and the Comets\s\up1(24(24), a white band\s\up1(25(25), and became a hit on the pop charts. Bill Haley and the Comets then recorded 'Rock Around the Clock', which became the number one hit of 1955.'Rock Around the Clock' caused rock music to be recognized as its own, separate style, and made it popular around the world.

  In the early 1950s, a record company owner from Memphis, Tennessee, Sam Philips, sought\s\up1(26(26) to bring rock music to white audiences. Because of the prejudice\s\up1(27(27) and racial discrimination\s\up1(28(28) of the time, he knew that he had to use white singers or the records might not get played on the radio. In 1954, Elvis Presley made his first record for Philips. Within two years, Presley became the most popular music star in the world, and even today he is known as 'the King of Rock and Roll'. He had seventeen number one songs and ten number one albums. Only one musical act\s\up1(29(29) has sold more records.

\s\up1(23(23)become a hit 轰动一时