2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 1 Advertising Task & Project 学案
2017--2018学年译林版必修三Unit 1 Advertising Task & Project 学案第2页

(2) 与普通大众所想的不同,瓶装水并不总是比自来水好。

Contrary to popular belief, bottled water is not always better than tap water.

(3) 你没有打扰我。相反地,我喜欢你的陪伴。

You didn't bother me. On the contrary, I enjoy your company.

2. (Page 18 Lines 54-55) Stick your finger in the shark's eyes.

▶ stick n. 拐杖

vt. 刺,戳;粘贴 (p.t stuck p.p. stuck)

(1) The doctor stuck my finger with a needle (用一根针刺破我的手) to get blood sample.

(2) I found a nail sticking in the tyre (扎在轮胎上).

(3) On the wall stuck many pictures of baseball stars (墙上贴满了棒球明星的画片).

stick to (doing) sth 坚持(原则,计划,诺言,真理等)

stick out 伸出;突出;醒目,显眼

(1) Reporters should stick to investigating the facts (应坚持调查事实).

(2) I tripped over (绊倒) the leg that stuck out (伸出的腿).

(3) The central part of the painting stuck out (夺人目光,显眼) for its bright colour.

3. (Page 18 Lines 56-59) Don't be frightened by sharks: you are 30 times more likely to be hit

by lightning than be attacked by a shark.

▶ 该句中30 times more ... than ...是表示倍数的句型之一。常用来表示倍数的句型有:

(1) A is N times as +形容词+ as B.

A car runs six times as fast as a bike on average.

(2) A is N times +形容词比较级+ than B.

The population of China is about 10 times larger than that of Japan.

(3) A is N times the size of B.

Our school has built a swimming pool (which is) half the size of a football field.

(4) A is N times what-从句.

The world's population has grown by six times what it was in 1800.


(1) At a rough estimate, Nigeria is _____ Great Britain.

A. three times the size as B. the size three times of

C. three times as the size of D. three times the size of

(2) I like this jacket better than that one, but it costs almost three times ______.

A. as much B. as many C. so much D. so many

(3) The new stadium being built for the next Asian Games will be ______ the present one.

A. as three times big as B. three times as big as

C. as big as three times D. as big three times as

(4) It was found that people who used mobile phones were ______ to have a brain tumor

than those who didn't use them.

A. two and a half times more likely B. more likely two and a half times