外研版(一起点)五年级下 Module 2 Unit 2Lunch is usually at half past twelve.
外研版(一起点)五年级下 Module 2 Unit 2Lunch is usually at half past twelve.第3页

1、warm up ---------->


--------> 1) greeting

2) free talk 2、New lesson 1) talk about the meals 2) learn new words: usually 3) read the text ○A read and answer

○B finish Activity Book 4) listen to the text ○A Listen and write key words

○B listen and repeat 5) group work ○A do a survey

○B fill the table 3、Extension

Activity 1) talk about Chinese Food

2) fill the table

3) write an artical


教学环节 教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 时间安排 Warm up

Ask and answer

1、 Greeting

2、 Free talk

1) T: Today is Women's Day!

Did you give your mother a present?

OK. I've got a present for Women's Day! Look and guess: What it is ?

It's a clock.

Now, look and tell me:

What's the time ?

What's the time ?


I have breakfast at 8 o'clock.

What time do you have breakfast?

I have milk and eggs for breakfast.

What do you have for breakfast?

You have breakfast at 8 o'clock. You have breakfast at 8 o'clock. And I have breakfast at 8 o'clock.

In China , we have breakfast at 8 o'clock. Right?

Do you know:

What time do English people have breakfast?

Let's see.

Open your book please.

Turn to page 8.

Give you 3 minutes to read the text and try to answer these questions.

2) Do an exercise.

Have a big family dinner China( )

England( ) Have a birthday party China( )

England( ) Sing birthday songs China( )

England( ) Eat noodles and eggs China( )

England( ) Eat birthday cake China( )

England( ) Have presents and say: happy birthday China( )

England( ) (课件设计说明:将练习以表格的形式打出,降低学习要求。) 1、 Greeting

HappyWomen's Day!

2、 Listen

Look and guess

Is it a ...?

It's 9 o'clock.

It's 9 o'clock.

I have breakfast at eight o'clock.

I have milk and eggs for breakfast.

I don't know.

Read the text and answer the questions. 通过唱歌既活跃课堂气氛又让学生了解今天的学习内容与生日有关。


在该练习后教师鼓励学生课后进一步查询相关的资料,以更扩大自己的视野。培养学生的自学意识。 Greeting

& singing 1'

Free talk 3'