2019学年度人教版必修4Unit3A taste of English humorPeriod3Learning about language 教案设计版(5页word)
2019学年度人教版必修4Unit3A taste of English humorPeriod3Learning about language 教案设计版(5页word)第3页

You can shorten a normal sentence by using the Participle Constructions.

I'm a lucky man feeling like you.

(I'm a lucky man who is feeling like you.)

The students wanting extra help were assigned to a special class.

(The students who wanted extra help were assigned to a special class.)

The screaming fans cheered their fighting team.

(The fans who were screaming cheered their team that were fighting.)

Let sleeping dogs lie.

(Let dogs that are sleeping lie.)

Points to remember

1. A participle is a verbal ending in -ing (present) or -ed, -en, -d, -t, or -n (past) that functions as an adjective, modifying a noun or pronoun.

2. A participial phrase consists of a participle plus modifier(s), object(s), and/or complement(s).

3. Participles and participial phrases must be placed as close to the nouns or pronouns they modify as possible, and those nouns or pronouns must be clearly stated.

4. A participial phrase is set off with commas when it: a) comes at the beginning of a sentence, b) interrupts a sentence as a nonessential element, or c) comes at the end of a sentence and is separated from the word it modifies.

the -ing form as the Attributive

What is attributive? It is something placed before the nouns to be modified: "red" is an attributive adjective in "a red apple". "walking " is also an attributive adjective in "a walking stick".

the -ing 形式作定语时表示该动作正在进行。单个the -ing form作定语通常放在被修饰词的前面. the -ing form短语作定语则放在被修饰词之后。如:

The rising sun looks very beautiful.

I think some sleeping pills may help you.

Do you know the boy lying under the big tree?

There was a terrible noise following the sudden burst of light.

若被修饰词与the -ing form是被动关系时,须用the -ing form的被动式(being done)作定语。如:

The song being broadcast is very popular with the young students.

The meeting being held is of very important.

We must keep a secret of the things being discussed here.