2019学年度人教版选修七Unit4Sharing Period 5 Using language--Writing教案设计(3页word版)
2019学年度人教版选修七Unit4Sharing Period 5 Using language--Writing教案设计(3页word版)第2页

1. reasons why she joined MSF

2. what she did in Malawi

3. what she did in the Sudan

4. the effects on her of her experiences.

5. her plans for the future

Step 4 Writing task

Deal with writing task on Page75.

Imagine that you have decided to sponsor Shanshan, a 11-year-old girl from Gansu province. Her family cannot afford to keep her at school. But she loves practicing English. Write a letter to her in English. In your letter, you can:

Introduce yourself

Say something about your interests and hobbies

Described your family

Let her know you want to make friend with her and her from her

Other things you would like to tell her.

After the Ss have finished writing, ask several of them to read their letters.

Sample writing:

Dear Shanshan,

I'm a student of Guangzhou No.1 senior High School, Guangdong province. My English name is Steve, and I like English very much. Maybe I can help you to continue with your school.

I go to school everyday except on Sundays. Every morning, we have four lessons, including P.E., arts, music. I like sports very much, especially football .Whenever I'm free I would play football with my classmates. I also enjoy reading English papers, which gives me great delight, and helps improve my studies.

I have a small family. There are father, mother and I. Mum often cooks delicious food for me. And Dad usually encourages me to study hard in order to serve the country and people better. I think so. So I work very hard at my lessons.

I'm looking forward to hearing from you. I want to know what you need badly so that I know what I can do fro you .Don't hesitate to ask for what you want. I will try to