
 Step3 (Cooperation and Exchange)(合作交流)

Task1: Read the new words in groups.( Find one in group to read in class) Read the text in groups ( Listen to the tape and correct the pronunciations)

Task2: Discuss the questions and find one to answer:

1.What does Lingling need? A. toy B. bag C. book

2.Where are Lingling and Ms.Smart? A.department store B. station C. library

3. What's the black bag like? A.heavy B. small C. light

4.Which bag has got pockets? A. blue B. black C. green

【设计意图】1. 通过小组交流,有助于学优生帮助学困生,并有助于培养学生的团队精神和竞争意识,意识到在团队力量下的共同完成目标后的成就之感。2.让学生带着问题读课文会更有目的性。

Step4 Classroom Promotion (课堂提升)

Task1: Look at the pictures( on the CAI) and express:

e.g. It's heavy. It's the green bag. The green bag is heavy.

Task2:Listen and fill in the blankets.

  1.This black bag is . It's . But it's . 2.This green bag is . And it's got two . But it's . 3.Look at this blue bag.It's and . And it's got four . It'll be for you.

  【设计意图】 此环节设计的两个任务会使本课的得以升华,任务1,为突破本课的难点句型而设置,从而加强孩子们的口语练习。任务2,是为了巩固本课的主要内容而设置的。