2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 2 Robots language points课时作业(4)
2018--2019学年人教版选修七Unit 2 Robots language points课时作业(4)第4页

5. The passage is mainly about _____.

A. the helping behaviors of young children

B. ways to train children's shared intentionality

C. cooperation as a distinctive human nature

D. the development of intelligence in children

  Exposing living tissue to subfreezing temperatures for long can cause permanent damage. Microscopic ice crystals (结晶体) cut cells and seize moisture (潮气), making donor organs unsuitable for transplantation. Thus, organs can be made cold for only a few hours ahead of a procedure. But a set of lasting new antifreeze compounds (化合物)-similar to those found in particularly hardy (耐寒的) animals-could lengthen organs' shelf life.

  Scientists at the University of Warwick in England were inspired by proteins in some species of Arctic fish, wood frogs and other organisms that prevent blood from freezing, allowing them to flourish in extreme cold. Previous research had shown these natural antifreeze molecules (分子) could preserve rat hearts at -1.3 degrees Celsius for up to 24 hours. But these proteins are expensive to extract (提取) and highly poisonous to some species. "For a long time everyone assumed you had to make synthetic (人造的) alternatives that looked exactly like antifreeze proteins to solve this problem, "says Matthew Gibson, a chemist at Warwick who co-authored the new research. "But we found that you can design new molecules that function like antifreeze proteins but do not necessarily look like them. "

Most natural antifreeze molecules have a mixture of regions that either attract or repel water. Scientists do not know exactly how this process prevents ice crystal formation, but Gibson thinks it might throw water molecules into push-pull chaos that prevents them from tuning into ice. To copy this mechanism, he and his colleagues synthesized spiral-shaped molecules that were mostly water-repellent-but had iron atoms at their centers that made them hydrophilic, or water-loving. The resulting compounds were surprisingly effective at stopping ice crystals from forming. Some were also harmless to the roundworm Caenorhabditis elegans, indicating they might