2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists Reading课时作业(5)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists Reading课时作业(5)第3页

  from the house or from a shop so that he can afford to buy cigarettes or drugs.

5.What does the author imply in the first paragraph?

A.It is the parents who are to blame when their children make mistakes.

B.Children are easy to make mistakes.

C.It is not always right to blame parents when their children make mistakes.

D.Educating their children is the responsibility of the parents.

C 解析:推理判断题。作者在第一段中列举了孩子常犯的一些错误,社会上经常因为孩子犯错误而责备他们的父母,作者认为这种做法是不正确的。第一段最后一句提示了答案。

6.According to the author,if a child makes a mistake,the parents should ________.

A.teach the child a lesson

B.understand the child and forgive him or her

C.not make him or her stay indoors

D.not forgive him or her at all

A 解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中的"...but they have to teach them a lesson so that they won't repeat the same mistakes over and over again."可知答案。

7.We can infer from the passage that ________.

A.parents' attitude towards their children's mistakes affects their children's behavior greatly

B.parents' excuses for their children's behavior make no difference to their children

C.children are hard to educate if they often make mistakes

D.parents who make excuses for their children's bad deeds are not good parents

A 解析:推理判断题。根据第三段内容可以推测父母对孩子所犯错误的态度对孩子行为的影响很大。

8.The purpose of writing this passage is to ________.

A.tell us it is normal that children make mistakes

B.show parents how to deal with the children who make mistakes

C.make us know why children often make mistakes

D.give some advice on how to forgive the children who make mistakes

B 解析:写作意图题。本文重点说明父母应该怎样处理孩子所犯的错误才能让孩子在今后避免再犯类似的错误,才能让他们意识到自己所犯错误的严重性。所以作者的意图是告诉父母应该怎样对待犯错误的孩子。


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