2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists Reading课时作业(5)
2018--2019学年人教版必修五Unit 1 Great scientists Reading课时作业(5)第4页

  in time if at all possible.1.________It takes time and energy to build a deep and lasting connection.So put in the time and say,"Yes," as much as you can.If you have made many plans and often find yourself saying,"No," to invitations from friends,reassess(重新评估) your primary things and clear some time and space for your social connections.

  Bring a gift.Did you know that some people's main love language is gifts?The cost of the gift doesn't matter much.2.________If you're far away,sending a package(包裹) is a super sweet way to reach your friends over the miles.If you're going to dinner,bring some flowers or a bottle of wine.When you're thoughtful and generous toward your friends,you'll be the one that they want to stick around.

  Get curious.3.________Ask questions about your friends' life,their dreams and desires,and their struggles.And instead of jumping in to fix their problems for them,try asking clear questions and listen to their process as they figure things out for themselves.

  Share something weak.If you're too scared to tell your friend how you truly feel,you're not allowing your friendship to mature(成熟) to the next level.4.________We can only develop a deep and lasting connection if we're able to share our true thoughts and feelings.

  5.________If you feel there's something wrong,talk about it.Most often,there's been some sort of miscommunication and by bringing it up,you can solve it quickly before too much upset builds.

A.Provide a service.

B.When invited over, go.

C.Communicate when there's trouble.

D.But it really is the thought that counts.

E.Maybe you need help moving,or a ride to the airport.

F.Instead,be brave and be willing to risk the friendship.

G.Being curious and listening to others are typical of a good friend.

  【解题导语】 本文主要介绍了如何培养终身朋友的几个方法。

1.B 解析:本句为本段主题句的举例说明,要积极回应朋友的邀请。

2.D 解析:本句承接上一句,对上一句给朋友礼物的现象作进一步解释。花费不那么重要,重要的是心意。

3.G 解析:本句承上启下,解释了本段的主题句,也提及后文内容,后面讲到好奇询问,也提到要善于倾听。

4.F 解析:本句与上句提到的方式进行对比,建议不要害怕表达真实感受,而是应该冒一下风险,敢于表达。

5.C 解析:本句是本段的主题句,总结了本段的主要内容。后文主要讲有问题的时候需要交流。