2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 2 English around the world language points课时作业(7)
2018--2019学年人教版必修一Unit 2 English around the world language points课时作业(7)第2页

  made sure we got a(n) __19__ in school. She taught us to have faith in our own abilities. That faith still __20__ me.

  1. A. responsible B. unable C.alone D.hopeful

  2. A. positive B. active C.devoted D.depressed

  3. A. family B. record C.promise D.team

  4. A. repair B. control C.maintain D.handle

  5. A. ever B. even C.just D.yet

  6. A. witnessed B. realized C.remembered D.complained

  7. A. excitement B. embarrassment C.puzzlement D.disappointment

  8. A. escaped B. injured C.returned D.departed

  9. A. curious B. naughty C.nervous D.lovely

  10. A. because B. before C.while D.after

  11. A. occasionally B. anxiously C.casually D.secretly

  12. A. point out B. figure out C.bring out D.pick out

  13. A. suggested B. admitted C. swore D. concluded

  14. A. typical B. unique C. normal D. regular

  15. A. complete B. awkward C. creative D. challengeable

  16. A. delay B. hesitation C. difficulty D. success

  17. A. scheduling B. expecting C. supposing D. avoiding

  18. A. ability B. belief C. decision D. determination

  19. A. praise B. recognition C. welcome D. education

  20. A. guarantees B. surprises C. supports D. comforts

【答案】1-5 CAADB 6-10 BDCAC 11-15 DBDCA 16-20 DBADC


  1.C 根据上文的"My father sold everything we owned...disappeared from our lives."可知,此处指母亲独自一人抚养孩子。alone独自地。

  2.A 由下文的内容可知,母亲依然保持乐观。positive乐观。

  3.A 此处指母亲安慰我们说,她会把我们一家人维系在一起并让我们远离伤害。family家人。

  4.D 虽然身材矮小,母亲却能操纵沉重的马拉的犁。handle操纵。

  5.B 此外,母亲甚至还能找时间来帮助我们做功课。even甚至,表示程度的递进,符合语境。

  6.B 此处指"我"意识到母亲是因为没钱为我们买圣诞礼物而面无笑容,但鉴于自己长大了,"我"只好把(得不到圣诞礼物的)失望藏在心里。realize意识到。

  7.D 参见上题解析。disappointment失望。

  8.C 由上文的"...my mother took a saw (锯) into the forest"和下文的"...with some tree branches. She left them in the barn (畜棚)..."可知,此处指的是母亲拿着一些树枝回来了。return回来。

  9.A 由下文的内容可知,此处指母亲没有告诉好奇的孩子们这些树枝的用途。curious好奇的。

  10.C 此处表示当"我"上学的时候,母亲就在畜棚里干活。while当......时,符合语境。

  11.D 由后文的"when I had a chance"可知,此处指一旦有机会,"我"就偷偷地往畜棚里看。secretly偷偷地,秘密地。

  12.B 由上文中的"still couldn't"可知,此处表示几天之后,"我"仍旧不明白母亲的用意。figure out理解,明白。

  13.D 此处表示后来,当"我"看到母亲用了钉子和颜料时,"我"推测母亲一定是在为我们制作礼物。conclude推断,推测。

  14.C 圣诞周到了,母亲恢复了往常的快乐。normal往常的。

  15.A 根据语境,此处表示显然,她的工作完成了,可她还是秘而不宣,因为"我"找遍家里所有地方都没有找到她做的礼物。complete完成。

  16.D 参见上题解析。without success不成功地。

  17.B 根据语境可知,此处表示圣诞节前夕,"我"久久不能入眠,期待着圣诞节早晨的来临。expect期待。

  18.A 结合上下文,此处表示"我"再也没有怀疑过母亲照顾我们的能力。ability能力。

  19.D 此处指母亲确保我们在学校受到教育。education教育。

  20.C 根据语境可知,此处表示这种信念依然支持着"我"。support支持。


Once a group of 50 people was attending a seminar. Halfway through his talk, the speaker stopped and decided 1.________ (create) a group activity. He went around the