2017--2018学年人教版必修五Unit 1 great scientists using language 课时作业
2017--2018学年人教版必修五Unit 1 great scientists using language 课时作业第3页

  解析:选D 有人帮她遛狗,这样就避免了她被狗拉倒造成骨折。

  14.A.busy B.patient

  C.okay D.quiet

  解析:选C 每天,他都会陪她说会儿话,看看她身体是否还好。

  15.A.name B.chance

  C.day D.word

  解析:选A 联系后文的"This morning she asked.His surname was the same as old Archie's."可知,有相当长的一段时间,她从来没有想到问他叫什么。last name=surname,意为"姓"。

  16.A.worried B.surprised

  C.satisfied D.encouraged

  解析:选B 她非常惊奇地发现,那个人竟然就是多年以前自己照顾的老阿奇的孩子之一。

  17.A.invite B.protect

  C.support D.visit

  解析:选D 与前文的drop in相呼应可知,此处应选visit。

  18.A.count B.climb

  C.build D.clean

  解析:选D 联系空前的"tramp mud up and down the stairs"可知,他们那个时候经常把她负责打扫的楼梯踩脏。

  19.A.cut B.gave

  C.knew D.picked

  解析:选C 直到那一刻,两个人才知道他们是互相帮助,这真应了那句话"善有善报"。

  20.A.kindness B.knowledge

  C.power D.courage

  解析:选A 通读全文可知,文章讲了一种善举--帮助他人。这种善举永远不会终止。



  Have you ever seen the TV show Where Are We Going, Dad? It is now without doubt __21__ (popular) TV show in China, attracting over 200 million viewers each week. In this program, several fathers, who are all well­known in China, take care of their kids alone __22__ the help of the children's mothers. They also take part in different kinds of __23__ (active) with their kids together, such as cooking, fishing and selling goods.

One reason why the show is so popular is __24__ it reflects social reality. In big cities, fathers are always __25__ busy with their jobs to spare time for their kids. Meanwhile, large numbers of fathers from the