广东省高明实验中学高中英语北师大版必修二学案:Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 1(第1课时)
广东省高明实验中学高中英语北师大版必修二学案:Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 1(第1课时)第1页

Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 1 Performance第1课时


1. Learning objectives 知识目标

① To learn about the new words on performance了解一些关于演唱会的词汇.

② To read for the main idea of the passage and understand some details. 读懂文章大意及理解细节。

2. Emotional objectives 情感目标 To take part in the class actively能主动参与课堂活动。




1. 学会在语境中猜测词义及通过上下文理解课文。

2. Reading strategy: skimming and scanning. skimming: to get a general idea of the article,focus on the title, heading, captions, the first and last sentences of paragraphs, and pictures ...scanning: to locate specific information about an article.




1. Learn the key words and use them to write about a concert you have ever watched.

Key Words The Concert Adjectives the music, the singing,

the guitar, the drums意思1.__________ boring, poor, really loud

brilliant意思5.__________________, exciting,

fantastic意思6.__________________, quite good, the lighting意思2.__________,

the special effects意思3.__________ disappointing中文意思7.________________ the stage design中文意思4.__________ extraordinary意思8.________________