广东省高明实验中学高中英语北师大版必修二学案:Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 2(第2课时)
广东省高明实验中学高中英语北师大版必修二学案:Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 2(第2课时)第1页

Unit 5 Rhythm Lesson 2 Beijing Opera 第2课时


1. Learning objectives 知识目标

学习重点词汇和短语: combine, represent, general, such as, play a ... role in, in other words等。

2. Emotional objectives 情感目标

Learn about our national treasure Beijing Opera 了解国粹京剧




Collocation 搭配:In English, some verbs and nouns often go together. Try to collect them and keep them in mind. 英语中有些动词和名词是形影相随、相伴共存的,请尽量积累并记忆。


(一) Preview 课前预习导学

1. 在课文练习题干或选项中找出下列词语并翻译成中文:

1) work in pairs 2) the late 20th century

3) main roles 4) match A with B

5) stage design 6) the first step

7) general knowledge 8) identify key words

9) take notes 10) a sharp singing style

11) a special occasion 12) body movement

13) miss a test 14) ask for permission

2. 课文中含有role的句子有4句,请你把它们找出来并翻译,归纳role的用法。





总结:role有 个意思,分别为 。

(二) Classroom learning and exploration 课堂学习和研讨