【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Module 4 Unit 1 Advertisin(3)》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Module 4 Unit 1 Advertisin(3)》第1页

一 完成对话

W: Does everyone wear a s___1____each time they drive or ride in a car?

M: No. Seatbelts aren't for the person like me because I'm a good d___2____.

W: The c___3____ of being injured in a car accident this year are 1 in 75. I think that's worth talking about.

M: Have you ever been in a car accident?

W: Only once. I lost c___4____ of my car on a rainy night and it went off the road. F___5_____ I was wearing my seatbelt.F____6____ your seatbelt should be the first thing you do when you get into your car. But too many people still r__7______ to wear a seatbelt.

M: It's just hard for me to get in the h____8___ of wearing one.

W: All it takes is one close - call and you'll wear your seatbelt. You really o___9___ to think twice about not wearing one the next time you get into a car. It may s__10_____ your life. 1__________









10__________ 二.完形填空

"One of the most difficult things to give away is kindness, for it is usually returned." Mark Ortman.

With several major conferences in town, there was not a room to be rented anywhere. When an elderly couple walked in out of the 1 rains, the desk clerk 2 they would never find lodging(临时寄宿). In an act of 3 he 4__ them the only bed in town, his only bed.

The couple at first refused, but through 5 and kindness, he persuaded the couple to 6__ his often When they 7 the next morning, the elderly gentleman said to the desk clerk, "You are 8 person who should manage the best hotel in the United States. Maybe 9_ 1'11 build one." They chuckled (laughed quietly) about that and the elderly couple left.

The 10 and the elderly couple were forgotten by the desk clerk until two years 11_