【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:Unit1 Advertising
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:Unit1 Advertising第1页

  Unit 1 Advertising






     The nights are longer,the evening is your own...and the perfect accompaniment(陪伴)to make you feel special is the delicious Terry's Chocolate Orange Bar.It's the unique blend(混合)of rich chocolate and deliciously orangey flavors,together with that melt­in­the­mouth quality,that gives the Terry's Chocolate Orange Bar its delectably decadent(细腻精巧)feel.And its convenient size makes it just right for you to eat alone.

  So,picture the scene.It's your first evening in for weeks.You've kicked off your shoes,turned the lights down low and put on some slow music,perhaps a little soft soul or gentle jazz.The whole evening is a"me­time",a special time just for you to relax.Make it complete with a Terry's Chocolate Orange Bar...it's sumptuous,luxurious and delectable.Go on...You deserve it.



  An innocent(无辜的)young victim's(受害者)throat(咽喉)is cut...

  His struggles and cries

  are not paid attention to...

  The man with the knife

  shows no emotion...