【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Module 4 Unit 1 Advertisin(2)》
【新思维】2018-2019学年译林版高中英语必修四教案:《Module 4 Unit 1 Advertisin(2)》第1页

I 词语辨析

1、unique / special / particular


e.g. As a writer, he has his own unique style.

The old scientist has made unique contributions to science.


e.g. Oct. 1 is a special day for all the Chinese people..

Tonight is a special occasion, and we will have sth. special for dinner.


e.g. I have sth. very particular to tell you.

Please take particular care not to wake up the sleeping child.

be particular about sth.:对......挑剔

e.g. She is most particular about her clothes.

2、over and over again / over again

over and over again:再三、反复, = time and again / again and again

e.g. He has to read it over and over again before he can remember it.

I've practiced the part time and again and I'm sure I can make it.

over again:从头再来

e.g. Please read the passage over again.

He made a careless mistake and had to do it all over again.

3、purchase / buy

purchase:vt. / n. 购买、购置,是书面语。

e.g. They have just purchased a new house in the city center.

I shall use this money to purchase a car for you.

I was given ten dollars for the purchase of some books.

Mother makes two purchases every week.

buy:vt. 购买、买,是普通用词,常用于口语中。

e.g. In the mall, we bought many things, such as shoes, toothpaste, apples.

We bought it for very little money.

4、highly / high


think / speak .... highly of...:对......评价高

e.g. The government think highly of his invention.

Their performance was highly regarded.

I am highly excited at the news that I will go to visit the Great Wall next week.

high:adj. 高的、高贵的、崇高的

e.g. Can you climb up that high mountain in a day?

Mountain Everest is the highest in the world.

One must have high ideas.

at a high speed:高速; have a high fever:发高烧; high temperature:高温