《Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays》教案教学设计
《Module5 Unit1 She goes to school on Mondays》教案教学设计第1页

Module 5

Unit 1 She goes to school on Mondays.

1. Warm-up


I like cats. (Meow-meow)

I like dogs. (Woof-woof)

I like birds. (Tweet-tweet)

Do you like them too?

Yes, we do.

2. Lead-in

A. Look at the picture and think.

What does the yellow cat like? What does the blue dog like?

B. 理解语境:小狗在睡觉,小猫却不停地问小狗问题,结果把小狗惹怒了。

C. Listen, point and say.

3. Task presentation

Does the blue dog play football on Mondays? No, he doesn't.

