免费下载原创《Module5 Unit1 I was two then》教学设计教案
免费下载原创《Module5 Unit1 I was two then》教学设计教案第2页

 ①Were they Lingling's parents or grandparents?

②Were they old or young? X k B 1 . c o m

③Who was the little girl in the photo, Amy or Lingling?

④How old was Lingling in the photo?

4. read in roles.

Step5 practice


Step6 task

 1. T: Do you like stars? I'll invite two stars come to our class, now let's welcome. clap your hand. Can you guess who is the boy. Can you tell their changes ,let's talk about them .教师出示名星照片,让学生对比他们过去和现在的不同。出示练习模式。

2. 眼力大考察游戏:教师出示已备好的学生的图片,让学生猜测是谁?以及他们现在与过去的区别。并向学生提问相关信息。

3. T: here are some photos.出示大萌子和爸爸在一起的照片,播放音乐《时间都去那了》展示情感目标,Everyone changes as time went by ,but our love in our family will last forever .时间飞逝,真爱永存。

Step7 homework

1. Talk about your changes with your partners .

2. write down your family's changes then and now.