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Step 3 Practice(操练)

Activity 1 Listen and repeat

教师播放flash, 学生跟读、模仿。


Activity 2 Read the text together(学生齐读课文)

Activity 3 Retell the text 教师出示课件并让学生看着课本上的图片以填空的形式复述课文


Activity 4 Act it out请三位同学上来运用句型 where/when did you go to...,Did you go with....通过自己的理解把课文表演出来(备选)

Activity 5(备选)Say a chant

Photo, photo, I have a photo.

Stay, stay, stay with my friend.

Week, week, seven days in a week.

Step 4 Consolidation(巩固)

Activity 1

学生同桌之间运用句型where/when did you go to...,Did you go with....相互询问各自的旅游情况。


Activity 2


A: Where did you go last_____?

B: I went to _______.

A: Did you go with your father and mother?

B: _______

A: What did you do there?

B: _______.


Activity 3