外研版英语《Module6 Unit1 I went there last year》教学设计
外研版英语《Module6 Unit1 I went there last year》教学设计第2页

  T : I'm glad to hear that . Now, let's sing a song together,ok ?

  Ss:Ok .



  Step 2 Presentation and activity

  首先出示课件学习本模块单词,先有老师领学单词,然后以chant形式进一步巩固所学单词。之后,出示平面方向复习英语单词north,south,west 和east。然后进入新课的学习。

  T: (课件出示一张长城的风景图片)This is the Great Wall..it's in Beijing.Did you go there?

  Ss:Yes,I did/No,Ididn't. 然后听课文录音,并跟读。

  T:(课件再出示一张海南的风景图片)This is a photo .Do you know where the scenery it is ?

  Ss: It is Hainan .

  T: Good .Yes ,it is Hainan.

  T: Great.(海南的所在地) Here is Hainan. It is in the south of China.I went there last year, and I stayed there with my sister for a week .

   听课文录音,让学生带着问题"When did lingling go there ?"\"Who did she go with ?"\"Where does lingling's uncle live ?"听课文录音,再分角色进行对话。


  Step3 Practice and correct


  教师拿不同旅游景点的图片(长城、海南、上海、北京)作为传递工具, 如传新疆时,全班问"Where did you you go to Xinjiang? , 教师喊停时拿到新疆图片的同学就必须要站起来运用新句型"I went there ..."来回答上面的问句,其间,教师可根据学生的实际情况适当的增加询问句子,如"Did you go with your...?" 等。回答完毕后教师组织学生复述该学生的答案。


同学之间把自己旅游过的地方写下来,然后相互运用句型"When did you go to ...?"和"Did you go with your...?"进行交流询问对方,同时教师应把交流时所用到的相关句子"When did you go to Guilin \Beihai\...?""Did you go with your friends\mother \...?"写到黑板上让学生模仿,同学在交流时要做好相应的记录