教研课《Module7 Unit2 This little girl can't walk》教学设计
教研课《Module7 Unit2 This little girl can't walk》教学设计第3页

Hello, everybody, this class we'll learn M7 Unit 2 This little girl can't walk.

At first, let's have a guessing game.(The teacher do, the students guess.)

Then let's chant. The students guess according to the teacher's action.


运用voki软件制作音乐节奏,让学生有节奏的 朗读chant, 巩固复习本课书所需要的单词 1. Show three pictures and talk about them.

1.Watch, discuss and say.

利用白板放映图片,给学生创造适宜的语言环境,便于学生口语的训练。 2. Watch the video and learn what the dog can do. 2. Listen, say and try to imitate.
