教研课《Module7 Unit2 This little girl can't walk》教学设计
教研课《Module7 Unit2 This little girl can't walk》教学设计第4页

三、Part 2

1. Look at the picture and try to guess.

 同时利用我们身边的课桌练习carry的用法。 1. Practice the sentences with "carry". 2. Listen and try to finish the sentences. 2. Listen and read. 3. Look at the pictures and complete the sentences.

听录音,完成句子,并且进行全班交流。 3. Discuss in pairs and try to write down. 4. Listen and number.

听录音,排列图片顺序,同时进行全班交流。 4. Listen and try to imitate. 四、练习巩固

(Consolidation) 口语风暴:

Say more sentences with can or can't in 10 seconds.

进行男女生比赛,看看哪组说的句子又多又快。 Discuss and say. 五、Practice Take out your papers and try to complete them. You can discuss in groups.

小组讨论,并且进行交流。 Discuss in groups and try to write them down. 六、Extension Today, we have many difficulties in our life. For example: I like football. But I can't play football well. My father helps me. Discuss in pairs and try to say. 七、Homework Homework 1.Listen to the tape and read Unit 2.

2.Say something about your friends with "can"and"can't".