《Module1 Unit1 We lived in a small house》教学设计教案
《Module1 Unit1 We lived in a small house》教学设计教案第2页

2. T: Look at the picture. Who are they? (大屏幕呈现课本的图片) What are they doing?

T: They are watching TV. They are watching a programme. (板书,运用自然拼读法和卡片学单词) Now let's listen and answer. What's the programme about? (整体听一遍课文,回答问题)

Ss: It's a programme about China.

听录音,跟读课文Paragraph 1。

3. Life is very different in China many years ago. Let's have a look. Now look at the picture. Who are they? 学习新单词lady 和 interviewer。

T: Look at the picture. Did she live in a small house or a big house?

Ss: A small house.

T: Yes, she lived in a small house.

T: Did she have much food?

Ss: No.

T: Yes, she didn't have enough food. (板书enough,运用自然拼读法和卡片学单词)

T: Were there many buses?

Ss: No.

T: Yes, there weren't many buses.

T: Were there any TV?

Ss: No.

T: Yes, there weren't any televisions.( (板书television,运用自然拼读法和卡片学单词)



T: There are four changes. What are they?

Ss: they are house, food, bus and television.

T: How about house?

Ss: We lived in a small house.

T: How about food?

Ss: We didn't have enough food.

T: How about buses?

Ss: There weren't many buses.

T: How about televisions?

Ss: There weren't any televisions.

Read it with your partner. 分角色朗读并展示。

4. T: Look at the picture. Does she live in a small house or a big house?

Ss: A big house.

T: Yes, she says we live in a big house.

T: Does she have much food?

Ss: Yes.

T: Yes, she says we have lots of food.

T: Were there many buses?

Ss: Yes.

T: Yes, there are many buses and cars.

T: Were there any televisions?