英语:unit1 building the future单元学案(牛津译林版版选修10)
英语:unit1 building the future单元学案(牛津译林版版选修10)第4页

(归纳拓展三) leave/let...... alone 不理会

6.go (回归课本) There is a saying that goes......(P3)


vi.(文句等) 表达为...... + (adv.) 流传, (谣言等) 散布 + (adv.) (事情)进展,进行 + (adv.)

(机械等) 动, 运转 + (adv.) (通道等) 通, 达, 延及 + (adv.)( 不可用进行时)

(以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习.

___________________. 他所说的话在此地流传.

His lecture _______________. 他的演讲进行顺利.

I dropped my watch and now ______________. 我的手表掉在地上, 现在不走了.

This route ________________. 这条路线延伸到东部.

(辨析比较)go, read, say, write

go 意为 "(文句等)表达为......", 强调(诗或歌中词/调) 唱,说或指(故事等)发生情况如何, 如,

How does that song go? 那首歌怎么唱?

The story goes that she's been married five times. 据传她结过五次婚.

read意为 " 应读作,写着,写成是......", 强调的是 "告示,信或段落等书写的内容.如,

The sign read "No admittance".告示牌上写着"禁止入内".

I've changed the last paragraph. It now reads as follows......我已经修改了最后一段,现在是这样写的......

say 意为 "写道,说,指示",强调 " 书面材料或可见的东西" 所提供的信息,很多情况下能与read 连用.

The notice said "Keep out".告示上写着 "禁止入内".

The clock said three o'clock.时钟显示三点整。

The book doesn't say where he was born.书上没说他是在哪儿出生的。

Write意为 "写道",强调 "书面陈述,以(文字)说".如,

In his latest book he writes that the theory has since been disproved.



变成(某种状态) + adj. 处于(某种状态) + adj.

His face ___________________. 他气得满脸通红.

Many people __________________ all over the world.世界上很多人还在挨饿.

7.handy(回归课本) I enjoy writing stories on my mother's handy old typewriter, and I have always wanted to write novels.(P9)

(归纳拓展一) adj. 手边的, 近便; 有用的; 易使用的;手巧的