英语:unit1 building the future单元学案(牛津译林版版选修10)
英语:unit1 building the future单元学案(牛津译林版版选修10)第5页

(以练促记) 根据所学知识完成下列练习.

__________ ? 你手头有钢笔吗?

This dictionary _____________. 这本词典很好用.

She __________ her needles. 她擅长针线活.


come in handy vi. 有时侯会有用

Don't throw that away --- it might come in handy.别把它扔掉--- 它或许有用.

8 thousands of (回归课本) Now thousands of tourists......(P11)


thousands of 数以千计的 tens/hundreds of thousands of 数以万计的t

housands upon thousands of 数以万计的


a thousand and one 大量的, 好多的 one in a thousand 少有的, 千里挑一的

by the thousands adv. 成千上万地

9.electrical (回归课本)... to have a shower, to boil water, to power electrical equipment and to turn oil into petrol. (P14)

(辨析比较) electrical/electric/ electronic

electrical adj. " 与电有关的", 作定语. 如, electrical engineering 电机工程 an electrical engineer电机工程师

electric adj. " 电的(由电操纵或由电产生的) electric power 电力 an electric car/fan/lamp/outlet 电车/电风扇/电灯/电源插座

electronic是形容词, 意思是 "电子的". 如, electronic computer 电子计算机 electronic mail 电子邮件 electronic organ 电子琴

10.run out ( 回归课本) some people believe that oilfields and coal seams will run out in the foreseeable future. (P14)


vi. (事物)用尽,结束,完了,(期限)到期 vt. 使(某人) 跑得筋疲力尽

(以练促记) 根据所学的知识完成下列练习.

Our food_________. 我们的粮食快用尽了.

The contract___________ on June 30. 那合同将于6月30日期满.

Smith_________ before he reached the goal. 史密斯还没到终点就筋疲力尽了.


run out vi. run out of vt. 将...... 用光,买光,缺乏

Our food will soon run out.

We will soon run out of our food.