2017--2018学年人教版必修三Unit 2 Healthy eating language points学案
2017--2018学年人教版必修三Unit 2 Healthy eating language points学案第3页

(2)Do you think camping and climbing are of much________to our health?

A.benefit B.beneficial C.benefits D.benefiting

5、get away with 被放过;(做坏事)不受惩罚;携带......跑掉

get away from 离开;脱身;逃离 get over 克服;解决;从......中恢复

get sth. across (to sb.)把......讲清楚;使被理解;传达

get (sb.) around/round 说服;哄骗(某人);流传,传开


 ① Don't try to cheat the taxman;you'll never get away it.

 ② I won't be able to get away the office before 7.

 ③ He's not very good at getting his ideas .

 ④ Bill knows exactly how to get his mother.

(2)The child should be punished. You shouldn't let him ________ telling lies.

 A.keep away from B.keep away with C.get away from D.get away with

6、in debt 欠债

be heavily/ deeply in debt 债台高筑 go/ get /run /slip into debt 陷入债务之中

pay off one's debts 偿清债务 be/stay out of debt 不负债 run up debts 积欠债务


(1)He was still $6,000 debt.

(2)Their club was badly managed and soon got debt.

(3)He now has enough money to pay his father's debts.

(4)It's hard to stay out debt if you live on your salary.

7、cut down (on)缩小;缩减(尺寸、数量等)(reduce)

cut back(on) (尤因资金不足)减少;削减 cut across/through 抄近路穿过

cut in (on)插嘴;打断 cut off 切(砍)掉;切断;阻断 cut up 切碎;割伤;使伤心


① My doctor has told me to cut on fat.

② Many departments are cutting on staff at the moment.

③ Come on,if we cut the field we'll get there before Frank.

④ She kept cutting on our conversation.

The electricity company are threatening to cut us .