《Unit7 Will people have robots》教学设计教案免费下载27
《Unit7 Will people have robots》教学设计教案免费下载27第2页

 about the word "will" and make some predictions that they are interested in.

Step2 Free talk (will/'ll/will not/won't +do)

How will the world be different in the future, 100 years from now?

Show some pictures and make some fun predictions. Make Ss pay more attention to the "will/'ll/will not/won't +do" and let them know these sentences can be used to say something in the future. At the same time, let Ss learn to make predictions about the world in 100 years.

Step3 1a

Show the picture and tell Ss that the two boys are making predictions.

Ask two Ss to read the conversation. Then ask Ss: "Do you agree with them?" Ss answer "Yes, I do/No, I don't".

Next, show some pictures and let some Ss try to make predictions and ask the rest of the Ss agree or disagree with them. Ask Ss to answer the question with the structure "I agree/disagree that clause". At the same time, lead Ss to learn the general questions about "will" and learn how to answer.

Step4 1b

Listen to the tape twice. The first time, Ss just listen. The second time, ask Ss to circle the sentences they hear.

Then check the answers.

Step5 2c

Ask two Ss to read the sample conversation. Then ask Ss to work in pairs and make their own conversations. Some minutes later, ask some pairs of Ss to show their conversations.

Step6 Homework

This class, we learned to make predictions with the word "will". So, I want to ask you to think about your own future. What will you be? Will you be happy? ...Please write an article about your future.