八下英语Unit1 What's the matter课文重难点讲解免费下载23
八下英语Unit1 What's the matter课文重难点讲解免费下载23第3页

【2013江苏徐州】3. -Please don't throw paper on the ground.

-________,I won't.

A. Excuse me B. That's all right

C. Sorry D. It doesn't matter

【2013黑龙江齐齐哈尔】17.-I have a pain in my back.

- _____ . You'd better see a doctor.

A. I'm sorry to hear that B. Nothing serious

C. It doesn't matter

【2013湖北武汉】39. -I'm very sorry. I broke your tea cup.


A. It doesn't matter B. You'd better not

C. Take it easy D. It's too bad

【2013四川广安】26.-Sorry, I'm late again.


A.That's OK B.It doesn't matter C.Good idea

(2) as a matter of fact= in fact 事实上, 实际上

2. I have a cold 我感冒了

I have a stomachache 我患胃痛

I have a sore back. 我背痛。

【解析1】have a cold 受凉;感冒

have a/an + 疾病名词 "患......病" (cold/fever/cough)

have a sore throat 患喉咙痛 have a sore back 患背痛

have a fever 发烧 have a cold =catch a cold 患感冒

have a stomachache 患胃痛 have a toothache患牙痛

have a headache 患头痛 have a backache患背痛

①Mike's sister _________________(not have) a stomachache.

【2012曲靖中考】I didn't sleep well last night, because I _____ a toothache .

A. was B. went C. had D. took

【2013山东莱芜】-Tony, What's ___ matter with you?

- I have _____ toothache.

A. a; the B. the; a C. /; the D. the; /

【解析2】back n 背;背部 at the back of......在......的后面

go/come back 返回 give back 归还


3. hand n 手 hand in hand 手拉手

V 交给;传递 hand in 上交 hand on 依次传递 hand out 分发

4. She talked too much yesterday and didn't drink enough water.


【解析1】too much/too many/much too

短语 含义 用法 例句 too much 太多

后接不可数名词 There is too much rain these days 修饰动词,放在动词之后 Watching TV too much is bad for your eyes. too many 太多 后接可数名词复数 There are too many things for me to do every day.